I haven't written in a while and I know I need to keep this blog up or it will go about three years and then I will remember that I have it. We are enjoying the Christmas season. The kids are out of school for Christmas break which seems crazy to me...I feel like they just went to school and now the year is half way over. We got our Ginger Bread house made and will go and see Santa tomorrow at the museum. Kendall got a peek at Santa last night while he was waiting in line at Kohls....some Santa's have a lot of Christmas sprit but my little girl loved it!!!
Our lives are adjusting well to having five kids. It is crazy but I feel like all the kids have a place and get the time and attention they need. It is amazing how fast these kiddos grow and what they learn all the time.
With the addition of one more baby I decided to quit my job as nursery coordinator at Kingsway. I still have a few more weeks left but I am considering the leave a good move on my part...I will miss getting to know all the new faces at Kingsway but I am looking forward to attending a whole Sunday morning service and serving with the older kids when Landen moves to the 1st grade area.
Along with quiting my job, I believe that we are getting rid of our dog we have had for six and a half years. I am not able to give Rudy the attention that he needs so he is going to live with my mom. Such changes for the Moore household but I have been given peace about each one, hopefully the kids are given that peace too!!! I know they will miss him but I am so glad they will still get to see him regularly.
So... enough randomness, just wanted to give a quick update and wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Hopefully I will get a good new camera soon so I can put some better pics on here. (hmm. hmm. Santa)
I just signed up to follow your blog! I hope and pray we can be foster parents some day too and I hope to learn and be inspired by you!