Friday, April 22, 2011


I think as you get older the years pass by faster. I feel like we just celebrated Easter but we are celebrating again and celebrating this year with two more kids.  How blessed we are....I am so overwhelmed with what God has given us.  He has given us three beautiful kids, and the chance to show his love to two amazing little boys. 
I have been frusterated today by the circumstances that one of our babies is faced with,  but I am filled with peace that we get the chance to make those circumstances a little bit better.  If not for forever maybe just for a little bit.  God knows what will happen in this childs life.  I wish I did but I can't imagine the burden I would feel if I did....I am praying that I just take each day as a gift, and know that everything can change tomorrow. 
What a journey we are on.  I pray for this Easter we can just remember what our Savior has done for us....that we remember that we are saved and that we are His.  I pray that our children begin to understand that this is another time of the year we can see Gods goodness and not just what is in their easter baskets. 

I wish your family a happy Easter and a time of joy and felowship with eachother and the people you love. 

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